
June 2015

The beginning of June started worryingly with high winds cancelling the first five days, thankfully the weather front soon abated and we started on a rollercoaster ride through June with all barring a few days being fished. We also managed to put together a good number of evening trips for those in hot pursuit of some excellent smoothhound action. June, we do tend to concentrate on the hounds, after all they’re only here around 6 weeks in total whilst they follow the moult of the crabs. When moulting & growing into bigger shells the crabs ooze a pungent yellow liquid that drives marine life wild. From codling to smoothhound and numerous species in between, a peeler crab is considered quite a delicacy.

Having cancelled their first day with us, our 2015 Adults with Problems event managed to sneak in two days afloat, catching numerous hounds and having a fantastic laugh along the way. These friends join me regularly during the same time of year with hounds and laughing always the main ingredients to our time … along with food of course.

A little insight to a Windy Adults with Problems day

Much more of our antics can be seen via our Facebook group, Action Davy being a recent addition

During the second week in June we decided on a quick run out to the deeps. Small tide and calm seas couldn’t be ignored! Hoping for spurs, tope and huss, we weren’t disappointed, although would have preferred a few more tope and spurdogs than the handful we caught, the huss were coming aboard the boat thick and fast. From 200ft of water, double shots of double figure huss are hard work … and they fight all the way to the surface, putting some strain on the best gear and the most capable of anglers!

Photo below, David Proudfoot from Planet Sea Fishing with one of an estimated over 20 double figure huss he manged to haul from the deeps in a hectic period aboard My Way.

Our second 20lb smoothhound of the 2015 season, photro below, followed that week, a cracking specimen for World Sea Fishing owner Mike Thrussell jnr. The hounds were finicky feeders, not hitting the baits hard but taking time with almost every one needing to be teased on to the hook. Never the less, we managed to bring plenty of hounds to the boat. Look out for our day with the Thrussells in a forth coming issue of Sea Angler magazine.

Again this has become a regular outing with the Thrussells and the following day, double trouble with Dave & Jim from Boat Fishing Monthly magazine.

What followed after was another fantastic week aboard My Way. The weather was extremely trying at times, but we managed to get out and locate a good amount of smooth hounds. Everyone barr the unfortunate one or two has connecteds, some single figures, with many low teens & an equal amount of high teens bouncing the scales and creating new personal bests for our anglers.

Including Mike Thrussell jnrs 20lber shown earlier in this report, the following hounds helped us land 6 over 20lb in just one week!

More hounds were to follow, mixed in with a section of other species during the day. We’d often break the day down with periods on the drift for pollack and wrasse, wrasse only just starting to appear in any decent number for us.

At anchor on the mussel beds we had plenty to hook into with dogs, dabs and whiting with a good number of big huss and the occasional thornback and blonde ray making an appearance.

We have very few spaces remaining for July and August, please visit our Boat Availability and Individual spaces pages for dates.


June 2015

The beginning of June started worryingly with high winds cancelling the first five days, thankfully the weather front soon abated and we started on a rollercoaster ride through June with all barring a few days being fished. We also managed to put together a good number of evening trips for those in hot pursuit of some excellent smoothhound action. June, we do tend to concentrate on the hounds, after all they’re only here around 6 weeks in total whilst they follow the moult of the crabs. When moulting & growing into bigger shells the crabs ooze a pungent yellow liquid that drives marine life wild. From codling to smoothhound and numerous species in between, a peeler crab is considered quite a delicacy.

Having cancelled their first day with us, our 2015 Adults with Problems event managed to sneak in two days afloat, catching numerous hounds and having a fantastic laugh along the way. These friends join me regularly during the same time of year with hounds and laughing always the main ingredients to our time … along with food of course.

A little insight to a Windy Adults with Problems day

Much more of our antics can be seen via our Facebook group, Action Davy being a recent addition

During the second week in June we decided on a quick run out to the deeps. Small tide and calm seas couldn’t be ignored! Hoping for spurs, tope and huss, we weren’t disappointed, although would have preferred a few more tope and spurdogs than the handful we caught, the huss were coming aboard the boat thick and fast. From 200ft of water, double shots of double figure huss are hard work … and they fight all the way to the surface, putting some strain on the best gear and the most capable of anglers!

Photo below, David Proudfoot from Planet Sea Fishing with one of an estimated over 20 double figure huss he manged to haul from the deeps in a hectic period aboard My Way.

Our second 20lb smoothhound of the 2015 season, photro below, followed that week, a cracking specimen for World Sea Fishing owner Mike Thrussell jnr. The hounds were finicky feeders, not hitting the baits hard but taking time with almost every one needing to be teased on to the hook. Never the less, we managed to bring plenty of hounds to the boat. Look out for our day with the Thrussells in a forth coming issue of Sea Angler magazine.

Again this has become a regular outing with the Thrussells and the following day, double trouble with Dave & Jim from Boat Fishing Monthly magazine.

What followed after was another fantastic week aboard My Way. The weather was extremely trying at times, but we managed to get out and locate a good amount of smooth hounds. Everyone barr the unfortunate one or two has connecteds, some single figures, with many low teens & an equal amount of high teens bouncing the scales and creating new personal bests for our anglers.

Including Mike Thrussell jnrs 20lber shown earlier in this report, the following hounds helped us land 6 over 20lb in just one week!

More hounds were to follow, mixed in with a selection of other species during the day. We’d often break the day down with periods on the drift for pollack and wrasse, the wrasse only just starting to appear in any decent number for us.

At anchor on the mussel beds we had plenty to hook into with dogs, dabs and whiting with a good number of big huss and the occasional thornback and blonde ray making an appearance.

We have very few spaces remaining for July and August, please visit our Boat Availability and Individual spaces pages for dates.